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Tag Archives: vacation

So I think

I think about bikinis, dresses and skirts and matching sandals for our little girl and myself. Next I sort out shorts and shirts for ‘the guys’. For some reason, matching seems less of a task here. Smart designers may take into account that most men don’t overly dwell on how to combine different pieces of clothes?
Then follows a selection of favorite gigantic floating devices. This year, Dino does not join us, a first.  A couple of trips up and down the stairs later, because these things happen to reside all over the house, a small non-overdue pharmacy has been recomposed.

Now toys! Toys that will inspire for the next ten days. Toys that fit within the boundaries of carryon luggage but that are not capable of disappearing into cracks and thus causing a mini drama. And the quest goes on: vouchers, ID’s, caps, cell phone charger and many more.

Hours later, the final stage has been reached: how to neatly implode the heap into three suitcases. My underweight helps in successfully closing this iPack episode.


Cats can’t be left behind, at the risk of destructive redecoration of our interior. A cat hotel has been booked, away from stress caused by their silly barking counterpets. Early afternoon, Roos The Wicked Cat escapes. Four hours later I trick her back into the house.

Oef! Things will happen as planned. When getting into the car, Cartouche The Cuddly Cat takes off. All satisfied with himself, he takes me for a walk, one meter ahead of me, conscious not to let me get closer. Time to leave. He has traded the cat hotel for his yard! Food will be served once a day.

We meet dad at the airport

He-packed: iPhone, MacBook Air, and iPad. Life is good and full of cool stuff!